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Guiding Principles & Qualification
Guiding Principles
Taking Time for You and Your Complaints
As your doctor, I will need to know as much as possible about your symptoms and medical history, so as to be more effective in diagnosing and treating your disorder. Similarly, you are likely in need to get answers to your unanswered questions and concerns. I will take the time to carefully listen to your concerns and discuss these in detail with you.
Trusting Doctor-Patient Relationship
It is very important to me to explain the context of your symptoms to you in a comprehensible way according to the latest scientific findings. Trust grows out of this mutual exchange of information. As a physician, I am convinced that such a trusting doctor-patient relationship supports the healing process.
Specialized Neurological Care and Treatment
My goal is to offer you a high level of neurological care and treatment. I have been a practicing neurologist for over ten years and completed significant specialist training in overseas programs at world-renowned neurology centers. My personal commitment is to continue my high caliber of advanced training, which I will apply to assist my patients’ therapeutic needs.

After graduating from high school in 1992, I attended medical school at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and then at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA. I graduated with my M.D. in 2000. I received training as a neurologist at several university hospitals in Munich and completed a two year fellowship in Clinical Neurophysiology at the Alfred Hospital Neurology Department in Melbourne, Australia. I obtained full Board Certification in Neurology in 2006. I am also a member of the German Academy of Neurology (DGN) and the German Academy of Clinical Neurophysiology (DGKN) from which I hold a certificate for EEG and EMG/NCS studies. I was born 1973 and raised in Munich. I currently live in Neuried with my husband and 3 children.
September 2011
opening of my neurological private practice in Gauting near Munich
2007 - 2011
Freelance physician in neurological practices in Munich
senior physician in neurological emergency medicine at general hospital Haralaching, Munich
Graduation as a specialist in neurology
Psychiatric training at the Isar-Amper-Klinikum, Klinikum München-Ost, Department of General Psychiatry
Continuation of residency training in the Department of Neurology, Munich Municipal Hospital, Harlaching Clinic (Head Physician Prof. Dr. R.L. Haberl)
2002 – 2004
Fellowship in neurophysiology and epilepsy at Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Doctorate’s thesis about “clinical lateralizing seizure phenomenology in temporal lobe epilepsy” at LMU, Munich
2000 – 2002
Residency in neurology at the university hospital of LMU, Großhadern Munich and the general hospital Munich Harlaching member of the sleep and epilepsy research group (Prof. Dr. Soyhel Noachtar) psychiatric internship at Isar-Amper-hospital, Munich
German and American graduation certificate (USLME)
Medical school at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and at Harvard Medical School Boston, USA
Certificates for clinical neurophysiology
• Elektromyography (EMG)
• Elektroenzephalography (EEG)
Memberships in Professional Societies:
• Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN)
• Deutsche Gesellschaft für klinische Neurophysiologie (DGKN)
Scientific Publications:
Pfaender M, D’Souza WJ, Trost N, Litewka L, Paine M, Cook M.
Visual disturbances representing occipital lobe epilepsy in patients with cerebral calcifications
and coeliac disease: a case series.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2004; 75(11):1623-5.
Pfänder M, Arnold S, Henkel A, Weil S, Werhahn KJ, Eisensehr I, Winkler PA, Noachtar S.
Clinical features and EEG findings differentiating mesial from neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epileptic Disord. 2002; 4(3):189-95.
Henkel A, Noachtar S, Pfänder M, Lüders HO.
The localizing value of the abdominal aura and its evolution: a study in focal epilepsies.
Neurology. 2002; 58(2):271-6.
Werhahn KJ, Noachtar S, Arnold S, Pfänder M, Henkel A, Winkler PA, Lüders HO.
Tonic seizures: their significance for lateralization and frequency in different focal epileptic syndromes.
Epilepsia. 2000 Sep;41(9):1153-61.
Lectures and Book Chapters
Lecture at Arbeitstagung Mikrochirurgie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie
(Temporalmesialregion und Inselregion, 14.-15.02.97, München)
zu dem Thema: “Klinische Lateralisationshinweise bei Temporallappenepilepsien”
Neurologie Pur Lernkarten
Erschienen im Börm Bruckmeier Verlag, Auflage: 1 (2003)
ISBN-10: 3929785234
ISBN-13: 978-392978523
Neurologie pur
Das Arbeitsskript mit Frage- und Antwortteil
Erschienen im Börm Bruckmeier Verlag, Auflage: 1 (2004)
ISBN: 3-89862-503-6